Mid Semester Feedback and Exciting Anabel's Events!
Hi friends!
Mid Semester Feedback Form
As we get to the end of October, we wanted to check in with you all and see how we can improve our store! It is a short form with only 4 questions and we would very much appreciate if you could fill it out :) We hope that this will help to better serve you and the greater Cornell Community!
Anabel’s Events!
Sunday October 24th join us for a Kimchi making event! Please RSVP as we have limited space available this time around. Vegetarian option too :)
Thank you for coming to our Community Dinner last Friday! Keep an eye out for more!
Recipes for the week!
A sweet way to enjoy these orange root vegetables: stew!
In the fall mood? More on squash!
Hungry for more on the wonders of enjoying squash this fall? Check out our newest post on the Anabel’s blog!
No Place for Food Waste:
FRN (Food Recovery Network): Kestrel Perch farms have extra squash to harvest next weekend, Saturday 10/23! If you'd like to volunteer with us to pick squash to donate to our community, sign up here:
Compost Club: Please continue to bring any compost to Anabel’s- thank you for helping us divert waste here! If you are interested in being more involved, check out the Compost Club G-body happening at 4:30 this Tuesday!
Also soil fun fact~ According to the FAO, there are more microorganisms in a teaspoon of healthy soil than there are people currently alive!!!!!!!